Founded in 2017, Congo Na Paris is a socio-economic and cultural forum which takes place in Paris every year.
In 2019, the theme of the forum was “Zonga Mboka: Retour Au Pays” (In translation, Go back home, encouraging the diaspora to visit home and invest in its progress), however conversations are always around topics relating to the cultural and professional development of individuals in both Congo’s as well as how the diaspora can participate in such development.
This year, the event will be held on April 16 and 17 with the theme “Tonga Mboka: Construire Le Pays – Congo, poumon de la planete.” (In translation, Building the country- Congo, lung of the planet).

Charlotte Kalala, the founder of Congo Na Paris, is also the Director of Communication And Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a group based in D.R.Congo.
In an interview with African Shapers, Charlotte narrates that in 2015, she “couldn’t find any positive narrative about Congo. Everything I saw through search engines was quite negative. When I went to Congo for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised. The Africa I had been told was not the Africa I discovered. It was much more beautiful, much richer, much happier! I therefore sought, by different means, a way to show another view of the Congo and, by extension, of Africa.”

Congo Na Paris is both a professional and cultural fair in which attendees experience Congo while in Paris.
Presenters at the event are lovers of the culture who want to share the best about both Congo’s.
This year too, the forum will welcome attendees from every corner of Europe to participate in discussions and debates organized in “Round Tables.” This part is accompanied by the exposition of numerous businesses and talents.
Below are some of the presenters and businesses in attendance this year.

Buy your ticket now to attend this year’s Congo Na Paris event!
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